Lauren Cunningham

Lauren Cunningham
Ext. 102
Human beings are delightfully resilient creatures. People may face very painful feelings, thoughts, and experiences, yet be determined to work through and move beyond them. I feel privileged to witness such courage and determination in my clients.
I work collaboratively with my clients. The expert on you is you! I bring my training, experience, and knowledge of psychological principles and treatments as tools to help you meet your goals for yourself. Often a balanced approach is helpful, developing practical strategies as well as identifying underlying issues contributing to your present-day problems. Some clients prefer to emphasize one approach over another; I aim to be responsive to your needs. With compassion and humor, I can help you:
- Overcome worry and anxiety
- Lift mood
- Develop healthy eating behaviors
- Make peace with your body and food
- Adjust to trying circumstances
- Prioritize your life
- Live according to your values and priorities
- Accept yourself
- Let go of perfectionism
- Deepen relationships
- Relax
- Free yourself from fears of what others think
- Move beyond a hurtful past
- Cope more effectively
- Develop a healthy self-confidence
- Discover the power of your mind
- Enjoy personal growth
In more clinical terms, I have expertise in eating disorders, anxiety, depression, adjusting to illness/injury, grief & loss, trauma, relationship difficulties, life transitions, hypnosis, and other issues. I work with adults and adolescents. Because of our clinic’s proximity to UW-Madison and Edgewood, I am privileged to work with many college students. If you aren't sure if my expertise fits your needs, please contact me by phone (608-255-9330 x102) or email (; I would be happy to discuss it with you.
If you have difficulties with food and/or body image, I understand you may have mixed feelings about seeking help. In fact, you may only be interested in seeking help because others have encouraged you to do so. Most likely, however, you know that imbalanced eating behaviors or placing undue importance on food is interfering with your ability to enjoy life. I will work sensitively with you to help you gradually incorporate a balanced approach to eating into your life. My treatment philosophy is aligned with principles of Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size®.
If you have eating or health problems of any kind, I will work collaboratively with your physician, nutritionist, and any other health professionals as needed to provide the comprehensive level of care you need.
Regardless of the issues that concern you, I believe faith and spirituality are rich resources that can be a vital part of healing. If you believe this plays an important role in the healing process for you, I will work with you to determine how to take fullest advantage of them. I am also willing to consult with your clergy to discuss what spiritual disciplines and perspectives may be especially helpful in your healing.
- Internship and Postdoctoral Fellowship, Health Psychology, University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics
- PhD, Clinical Psychology, University of Kentucky
- Certificate in Medical Behavioral Science, University of Kentucky College of Medicine
- BS, Psychology, Abilene Christian University
Other Professional Experience
- Facilitate Instant Sisters, a monthly support group for women with advanced or metastatic breast cancer
- Make presentations at other area support groups for people with chronic/terminal illness
- Regularly present seminars to psychology interns at area training sites
- Worked part time for the Health Psychology consultation service at University of Wisconsin Hospital
- Taught in the Department of Psychology at University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Served on advisory committee to Department of Psychology at Abilene Christian University
Service to Community:
Foster parent, church teacher & youth leader, Girl Scout leader, volunteer camp counselor, YMCA advisory board member